Enjoying a Meal in Japan Useful and Basic Phrases for Restaurants

When you travel to Japan, knowing some basic Japanese phrases that can be used in Japanese restaurants will enrich your travel experience. Even if you don’t understand Japanese at all, you can enjoy traveling within Japan without any issues. However, by speaking even a little Japanese, you can facilitate communication with the staff and create a pleasant atmosphere for both parties. The words you know will allow you to feel the results of your learning, and you may be encouraged to learn more. Additionally, making an effort to speak even a little will convey your respect for the local culture and customs. Such interactions will make your travel memories even more memorable, enhance your satisfaction with your trip, and deepen your affection for the places you visit.

Not knowing Japanese phrases might lead to potential troubles. For example, you may not understand the menu items or types of dishes and might end up ordering incorrectly. As a result, you might not be able to order what you want, and you could receive a dish that contains ingredients you cannot eat, leading to stress and dissatisfaction instead of enjoyment.

Nowadays, with the ability to use smartphone translation apps for conversations, you might consider using them if you find it difficult to remember Japanese. You can utilize the app’s voice input, or save commonly used phrases in the app, making it convenient to have a collection of phrases that are useful when ordering food or paying the bill.

However, if you want to understand Japanese to some extent, relying too much on translation apps can cause you to miss opportunities to develop your language skills. In that case, it’s good to use translation apps as practice for language acquisition. Moreover, if you wish to deepen your cultural understanding, direct communication with locals is essential, as it will be an invaluable experience. Alternatively, if you generally prefer not to rely on technology like smartphones, those who want to enjoy direct interaction with Japanese people should use Japanese in conversations.

Below is a collection of very basic phrases that can be used in Japanese restaurants. However, I can imagine that it might be cumbersome to search for and use these phrases while actually in a restaurant, so using a translation app might be quicker. In any case, this is a word list I compiled in the past, and since it would be a shame to delete it, I will leave it as it is.


Very basic phrases to use at a Japanese restaurant

Finding a restaurant

English written Japanese pronunciation
Are you hungry?お腹がすきましたか。Onaka ga sukimashita ka?
I am hungry.私はお腹がすきました。Watashi wa onaka ga sukimashita.
I’d like something to eat.何か食べたいです。Nani ka tabetai desu.
I’d like something to drink.何か飲みたいです。Nani ka nomitai desu.
Are there any inexpensive restaurants around here?この近くに安いレストランはありますか?Kono chikaku ni yasui restoran wa arimasu ka?
Can you recommend a good restaurant?良いレストランを教えていただけますか?Yoi restoran wo oshiete itadakemasu ka?
ls there a … restaurant?・・・のレストランはありますか?. . . no restoran wa arimasu ka?
Which is the best sushi restaurant?どの寿司屋が一番おいし いですか?Dono sushiya ga ichiban oishii desu ka?

Making a reservation

It’s probably the same in your country, but if you want to dine at a high-end or popular restaurant, it’s better to make a reservation. Nowadays, more and more places allow you to make reservations online. Last year (in 2023), I tried to dine at an okonomiyaki restaurant in London on a weekday without a reservation, but I couldn’t get into any of them. It was a good lesson in learning that I should make reservations.

At casual restaurants, you can often get a seat without a reservation, but if it’s full, you’ll likely have to wait. In such cases, you write your name on the waiting list and patiently wait for your name to be called.

English written Japanese pronunciation
Is it open?開いていますか?Aite imasu ka?
What time do you open?何時に開店しますか?Nanji ni kaiten shimasu ka?
Which day do you close?いつお休みですか?Itsu o-yasumi desuka?
I will come back later.後でまた来ます。Ato de mata kimasu.
I don’t have a reservation.予約はしていません。Yoyaku wa shiteimasen.
I’d like to reserve a table for two people.2人用のテーブルの予約をお願いします。Futari yō no tēburu no yoyaku wo onegai shimau.
Could you please reserve me a table at … restaurant?・・・レストランのテーブルを予約してもらえますか?…restoran no tēburu wo yoyaku shite moraemasuka?
I have a reservation.予約をしています。Yoyaku wo shite imasu.
for 3 people3人用sannin-yō
for 4 people4人用yonin-yō
for 5 people5人用gonin-yō
for 6 people6人用rokunin-yō
for 7 people7人用shichinin-yō/ nananin-yō
for 8 people8人用hachinin-yō
for 9 people9人用kūnin-yō
for 10 people10人用jūnin-yō
Can you speak English?英語が話せますか?Eigo ga hanase maska?
Do you speak English?あなたは英語を話しますか?Anata wa eigo wo hanashi masuka?
Do you speak …?あなたは…を話しますか?Anata wa … wo hanashi masuka?
Does anyone here speak English?ここに英語を話す人がいますか?Koko ni eigo wo hanasu hito ga imasu ka?

Smoking or non-smoking?

When you enter a restaurant in Japan, the staff will greet you with the customary and polite greeting, “Irasshaimase (いらっしゃいませ).” If you have a reservation, let them know your name and reservation time. If you don’t have a reservation, they will likely ask,
“Nanmei sama desuka? (How many people?)” in Japanese.

If you don’t know how to respond with numbers in Japanese, you can indicate the number with your fingers, and they will understand.

Many restaurants nowadays are entirely non-smoking, so the seat you are shown to will likely be in a non-smoking area. E-cigarettes (including heated tobacco products) are treated the same as regular cigarettes, so if your seat is in a non-smoking section, you won’t be able to use e-cigarettes. Some restaurants have smoking rooms, so feel free to ask if you’re unsure.

However, in smaller establishments, smoking at the table may still be allowed. Therefore, depending on the restaurant, they might ask if you prefer a smoking or non-smoking section. One of the hosts on my favorite YouTube channel are smokers and are always searching for restaurants where smoking is allowed. They often smoke while eating in the videos.

Additionally, if the restaurant has tatami rooms (zashiki), they may ask if you prefer it or a table seat. If you’re dining alone, they might also ask if you’re okay with sitting at the counter.

English written Japanese pronunciation
Welcome.いらっしゃいませ。Irasshai mase.
How many people?何名様ですか?Nanmei sama desu ka?
A table for One/two/three, please.一人/二人/ 三人、お願い します。Hitori/futari/Sannin, onegai shimasu.
I’d like to a table for 2.2人用のテーブルをお願いします。Futari yō no tēburu wo onegai shimasu.
Which area would like to sit in, smoking or non-smoking?禁煙席と喫煙席のどちらがよろしいでしょうか?Kin-en seki to kitsu-en seki no dochira ga yoroshii deshōka?
Which would like to sit, at a table or in a zashiki (on tatami matting)?テーブルとお座敷、どちらがよろしいでしょうか?Tēburu to ozashiki, dochira ga yoroshī de syōka?
We’d like to sit at a table/in a zashiki.テーブル/座敷がいいです。tēburu/zashiki ga ii desu.
Could we have a …?・・・のテーブルをお願いします。… tēburu wo onegai shimasu.
in the cornersumi
by the window窓際magogiwa
on the terraceテラスterasu
in a non-smoking禁煙エリアkin-en eria
We’d like to sit at the counter.カウンターの席をお願いします。Kauntā no seki wo onegai shimasu.
Can sit here?ここに座ってもいいですか?Koko ni suwattemo ii desu ka?

Is there an English menu?

At the restaurant, don’t hesitate to ask if they have an English menu. If they don’t, there are several alternatives. First, take a look at the menu. If it includes pictures, you can simply point to the dish you want to order. Since the prices are usually listed as well, this method is relatively easy.

Additionally, some restaurants display plastic food models near the entrance. You can point to the sample of the dish you want to order and let the staff know. Or, if you see someone eating a delicious-looking dish, you can point to their food and tell the staff you’d like to order the same.

If you’re at a Japanese restaurant, ordering a set meal (teishoku: 定食) or the daily lunch special is a safe and tasty option. Both meals typically feature the restaurant’s popular dishes and are served quickly and are reasonably priced.

English written Japanese pronunciation
I’d like the menu.メニューをお願いします。Menyū wo onegai shimasu.
Do you have an English menu?英語のメニューはありますか?Eigo no menyū wa arimasu ka?
May I have the menu, please?メニューをお願いします。Menyū wo onegai shimasu.
(Waiter/Waitress), please.すみません、お願いします。Sumimasen, onegai shimasu.
Waiter/waitress!ちよっと、すみません。Chotto, sumimasen.
What do you recommend?お勧めの料理は何ですか?Osusume no ryōri wa nandesu ka?
What would you recommend?おすすめは何ですか?Osusume wa nan deska?
I recommend …おすすめは・・・です。Osusume wa … desu.
Today’s special is …本日のおすすめは・・・です。Honjitsu no osusume wa … desu.
What would you like to drink?お飲物は何になさいますか。Onomimono wa nani ni nasaimasuka?
Are you ready to order?お決まりですか?Okimari desuka?
What would you like?何がよろしいでしょうか。Nani ga yoroshii de shōka?
Do you have a set menu/local dishes?定食/郷土料理はありま すか?Teishoku/kyōdo ryōri wa arimasu ka?
ls it served …?これは…ですか?Kore wa … desu ka?
ls it spicy/salty?これは辛い/塩からいですか?Koreha karai/shio-karai desuka?
ls there a set menu?定食は ありますか?Teishoku wa arimaska?
What is the price of the set menu?定食はいくらですか?Teishoku wa ikura desu ka?
What kinds of meat do you have?どんな肉がありますか。Donna niku ga arimasu ka?
What salads do you have?どんなサラダがありますか?Donna salada ga arimasu ka?
What soups do you have?どんなスープがありますか?Donna sūpu ga arimasu ka?
What’s in it?中に何が入っていますか?Naka ni nani ga haitte imasuka?
What’s in that dish?あの料理に何が入っていますか?Ano ryōri no naka ni nani ga haitte imasu ka?
What’s this?これは何ですか?Kore wa nan desu ka?

Is there special menus?

English written Japanese pronunciation
Do you have … for diabetics?糖尿病の人のための・・・はありますか?Tōnyōbyō no hito no tame no … wa arimasuka?
Do you have vegetarian dishes?ベジタリアン用の料理はあ りますか。Vejitarian yō no ryōri wa arimasuka?
I am a vegetarian.私は ベジタリアンです。Watashi wa bejitarian desu.
I’m a vegan.私はヴィーガン です。Watashi wa vīgan desu.
I’m allergic to peanuts.私はピーナッツアレルギーです。Watashi wa pīnattsu arerugī desu.
I mustn’t eat food containing flour/ sugar.小麦粉/砂糖が入ったものは食べられません。Komugiko/satō ga haitta mono wa taberaremasen.
I’m on a low-salt diet.私は塩分をひかえています。Watashiwa enbun wo hikaete imasu.
I must avoid fatty dishes.脂肪分の多い料理は避けています。Shibo-bun no ōi ryōri wa sakete imasu.
I don’t eat…・・・は食べられません。… ha taberaremasen.
Do you have anything ready quickly?何か早くできるものはあ りますか?Nani ka hayaku dekiru mono wa arimasu ka?
I’m in a hurry.私は急いでいます。Watashi wa isoide imasu.
But, we have ….・・・でしたらありますが。… deshitara arimasu ga.
How about …?・・・はいかがでしょうか。… wa ikaga de shōka?
I am sorry. We don’t have ….申し訳ありません/すみません、…はございません。Moushiwake arimasen, /Sumimasen, … wa arimasen.
There is no more … today.・・・は終わってしまいました。… wa owatte shimaimashita.
Could have … instead of meat?お肉の代りに…をもらえますか?Oniku no kawari ni … wo moraemasuka?
Could I have a small portion, please?少しだけもらえますか?Sukoshi dake moraemasu ka?
Could we have a/ an/some …, please?・・・をもらえますか?… wo moraemasuka?
I’d like a … break-fast, please.・・・朝食をお願いします。… chōshoku wo onegai shimasu.
I’d like this.これをお願いします。Kore wo onegai shimasu.
I’d like to drink …・・・をお願いします。… wo onegai shimasu.
I’d like to eat (some). . .…をお願いします。… wo onegai shimasu.
marinatedつけ汁に浸したtsuke-jiru ni hitashita
May I have one of those?それをひとつ お願いします。Sore wo hitotsu, onegaishimasu?
May I have some …?・・・をもらえますか?… wo moraemasu ka?
When do you stop serving?ラストオーダーはいつですか?Lasto ōdā wa itsu desuka?
baked天火焼きのtenpi-yaki no
barbecuedバーベキューしたbābekyū shita
braisedとろ火で煮たtorobi de nita
poached軽くゆでたkaruku yudeta
roastedローストしたrōsto shita

How do I eat this?

After finishing your meal, take the bill that the waiter left on the table to the register and pay there. In high-end restaurants or izakayas (居酒屋), there may be no bill left at the table. In that case, you can ask the waiter to bring you the check.

In Japan, many places still accept cash, and some small establishments may only accept cash payments.

English written Japanese pronunciation
How do I eat this?これはどうやって食べるのですか?Kore wa dōyatte taberuno deska?
May I have more…?もう少し・・・をもらえますか?Mō sukoshi … wo morae masuka?
Can I have a sweetener?ダイエットシュガーをもらえますか?Daietto shugā wo moraemasuka?
Could I have a dessert menu, please?デザートのメニューをもらえますか?Dezāto no menyū wo moraemasu ka?
What desserts do you have?どんなデザートがありますか?Donna dezāto ga arimasu ka?
I’d like a dessert, please.デザートをお願いします。Dezāto wo o-negaishimasu
I don’t want anything sweet.甘い物は欲しくありません。Amai mono wa hoshiku arimasen.
Just a small portion.ほんの少しだけHon no sukoshi dake.
full (stomach)おなかが いっばいonaka ga ipраі
hot/cold熱い/冷たいatsui/ tsumetai
sweet, mild甘いamai
to drink飲むnomu
to eat食べるtaberu
I would like (a)…いくらですか?(a)…wo onegai shimasu.
May have the bill?/Please bring the bill.お勘定をお願いします。Okanjō wo onegai shimasu./Okaikei wo onegai shimasu.
That was delicious!おいしかった!oishi-katta!
The meal was very good, thank you.ごちそうさま でした。 おいしかったです。Gochisōsama deshita. Oishikatta desu.
Thanks for sharing
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